Entrance requirements:
1. CUHK - https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/press-releases/cuhk-announces-2020-21-admission-scores-for-medicine
2. HKU - https://www.med.hku.hk/ugadmissions2020/mbbsfaq.html
Years of study: 5 years (direct entry into Year 2), or 6 years
Fee per year (HKD$): 42,100
Class structure: Lectures, labs, bedside teaching, tutorials
Assessments: Written examinations, objective structured clinical examinations
Internship requirement during study: No
Exchange opportunities: Electives usually taken at the end of the academic year.
Possibility for intercalated degree: Yes
Option for major / minor degrees: Yes
University credit requirements: University courses usually completed within the first year.
- Medical school is generally divided into preclinical years and clinical years
- Preclinical years are years 1-3 in a 6 year programme or years 1-2 in a 5 year programme
- Clinical years are years 4-6 in a 6 year programme or years 3-5 in a 5 year programme
Preclinical Years
- Years 1-3 / 1-2
- General Advice
The first year may involve completion university courses required to meet the university requirements on top of medical courses/classes
Try to get an advance standing by doing well in high school to reduce your credit requirements by getting exempted from various university courses
Try to get involved in medical societies
Major focus is on grasping preclinical medical knowledge which will provide a basis for clinical rationale
Try to do well in the first year to maintain your GPA > 3.0 for scholarships etc.
- Classes
Lecture-based (predominantly)
Anatomy/dissection labs
- Examinations
Usually end of year written examinations
Clinical Years
- Years 4-6/3-5
- General Advice
Beginning of medical and surgical exposure
Try to get attachments in specialties you are interested in
Try to get involved with medical research to improve your CV but to further your interests as well
Year 4 (or year 3 in a 5 year programme) may be a tough transition as there is clinical exposure + lectures
Involve yourself in study groups to practice for OSCE examinations
Major focus is on building your clinical knowledge for the final MB examinations to graduate
- Classes
Bedside teaching in the wards
Observation / assisting in the operating theatre
- Examinations
Written examinations
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)