Entrance requirements: https://www.scifac.hku.hk/prospective/ug/admissions/requirements-and-application
Years of study: 4 years
Fee per year (HKD$): 42,100
Class structure: Lectures, labs, tutorials
Assessments: Written examinations (mid + final), written assignments, projects (individual/group)
Internship requirement during study: Optional (as choice of Capstone requirement)
Exchange opportunities: Yes
Possibility for intercalated degree: Yes
Option for major / minor degrees: Yes
University credit requirements: https://www.scifac.hku.hk/f/page/4836/8944/3.%20BSc%20Curriculum_r.pdf
If you would like to pursue a career in scientific research, it is most important to focus your university experience on ensuring a good GPA (above 3.60 is best but at least, maintain above 3.0), figuring out your research interests, building connections with relevant professors and tailoring your research experiences to your interests.
Before Entrance into University
- Young Scientist Scheme (YSS)
Automatically accepted into programme on obtaining total score of 35 or above in best 5 HKDSE subjects.
Selected non-JUPAS applicants may be invited to join based on grades.
If you show excellence during Year 1 and were not accepted into YSS on admission, you may still have a chance to be accepted after your first year of study.
Year 1
- Summer Research Fellowship (SRF)
If you have been accepted into YSS, you will automatically be guaranteed a place in the SRF programme to conduct a summer research project. You will have to find your own supervisor based on your research interests.
- Become a student research assistant over the year
If you would like to gain more research experience and enhance your knowledge and competency in various laboratory techniques, you may directly email/contact one of your professors to express your interest in their projects and ask if it would be possible for you to assist in their lab.
- Join clubs or societies based on your own interests.
For personal growth, meeting new people and helping you enjoy your university life.
Year 2
- (2nd) SRF or Overseas Research Fellowship (ORF)
If you have been accepted into YSS, you can apply for another SRF or apply for ORF.
If you are not in the YSS programme, you can apply for your first SRF or ORF.
- Become a student research assistant again
If you are working under the same supervisor, you may inquire about the possibility to be paid for your work.
- Join Executive Committees of clubs/societies based on your own interests
Help to enrich your CV and personal growth.
- Join international science competitions
E.g. International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition (a multidisciplinary competition that would help you gain more understanding of rising research areas globally and different opportunities available)
Year 3
- International semester exchange
You may specifically choose a university that excels in scientific research to go on an exchange programme.
A semester exchange is recommended rather than a year-long exchange. It would be easier to transfer credits and as exchange GPA is not counted in your cumulative GPA, if your GPA is not good enough, you would have one more semester to raise it.
- Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme (URFP)
A prestigious programme to conduct another summer research project.
Need a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above.
May have opportunities to conduct research overseas or in the Mainland depending on your supervisor and research project.
May be allowed to enrol in specific postgraduate courses and considered for early admission to research postgraduate programmes in HKU.
Year 4
- Year-long Final Year Project (FYP) as part of your capstone
- Start applying for Master’s or PhD
Narrow down your research interest.
Find supervisor: If you would like to stay at HKU, you may consider the professors that you have worked with previously. If you would like to go abroad/to other universities, you may look into connections of those professors, or just look by yourself.
Work on research proposal.
- Aim to graduate with First Class Honours (cumulative GPA of 3.60 or greater) or at least Second Class Honours Division One (cumulative GPA of 3.00-3.59).